Resource Configuration
This page showcases our configuration files in greater detail, aiding in the setup of the resource.
Set this option to 'true' to enable notification sound effects when receiving notifications, or set it to 'false' if you prefer not to have sound effects for notifications.
This option enables you to modify the keybind for interacting with a turnout rack. Please note that this option requires an integer value without decimal places or text. You can find a list of FiveM's keybinds and their corresponding numbers in the link provided below.
In this section, you have the ability to modify all of the resource's commands.
Place Rack: In this section, you can customize the command used to place a turnout rack.
Delete Rack: In this section, you can customize the command used to delete a turnout rack
This section permits you to customize the script's strings according to your preferences, whether it involves altering the language or making general edits to message aspects.
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