Resource Configuration
This page showcases our configuration files in greater detail, aiding in the setup of the resource.
Set this option to 'true' to enable notification sound effects when receiving notifications, or set it to 'false' if you prefer not to have sound effects for notifications.
Here, you will specify the distance at which the pager alarm can be heard. This value must be a float, which implies it should always include a ".0" at the end. For instance, 35.0, 25.0, and so on.
In this section, you have the ability to modify all of the resource's commands.
Set Channel: In this section, you can modify the Set Pager Channel command.
Page Channel: In this section, you can modify the Page Channel command.
This section permits you to customize the script's strings according to your preferences, whether it involves altering the language or making general edits to message aspects.
In this section, you can enable Discord logging for pager activations.
Allow: If this option is set to 'true', an embedded message will be sent to the configured webhook URL below upon fire alarm activations. This embedded message will include all necessary information related to the alarm activation, such as its source and what channel was activated. If this option is set to 'false', no messages will be sent to Discord.
Webhook: This option enables you to input your desired Discord webhook URL, which is the channel where log messages will be sent. If you are unsure of how to obtain a webhook URL, please visit the link provided below.
Community Name: This option allows you to input your community's name. This text will be displayed in the Discord log message.
Community Logo: This option enables you to upload your community's logo, and this image will be displayed in the Discord log message.
Here, you can set up and configure pager channels.
Within the table
, there is a separate table or block of code for each channel. These blocks are identified by unique strings, such as ['1']
, ['2']
, and so on. The beginning and end of each block are delineated by comments within the config.lua file.
New tables should always be positioned after the comment '-- BLOCK END --'
. This comment indicates the conclusion of the previous block.
It's crucial that the string you insert within the brackets is both unique and non-duplicate.
Last updated