Resource Usage
This page will provide instructions on how to effectively utilize the resource.
/135m [Argument] - This command enables users to gather and store ladders from the nearest vehicle.
All of the following commands can be modified in the config.lua file, in the cfg.commands section.
Ladder Interaction:
When you are near a ladder, you will be notified through 3D text displayed on the ladder. This text should include the prompts for climbing and picking up the ladder. Additionally, these prompts should be accompanied by a designated keybind to activate them.
Ladder Climbing:
When using the ladder, please remember to press Left SHIFT
& Left CTRL
while mounted to enable your character's vertical movement on the ladder. Once you reach the top or bottom of the ladder, your character will automatically dismount.
Prop Spawning:
When carrying a ladder, you can use the Left ALT
key to safely position and adjust its height. To adjust the ladder's angle, simply use your mouse scroll wheel. Additionally, you can extend or retract the ladder by holding either the Left Shift
or Left Ctrl
key. Once you have positioned the ladder to your satisfaction, press the Left Mouse Button
to exit the prop spawning mode. In case you need to readjust the placement, you can easily pick up the ladder by pressing the Right Mouse Button
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