This page provides comprehensive information about our configuration files, assisting in the setup of the resource.
This boolean value allows you to disable the default built-in interaction system for the script, enabling you to implement your own system.
---@field z_interactions boolean---@description: Set as false if you do not want to use the interaction system build into z_hosecfg.z_interactions =true
This table contains the string values of the vehicle spawn codes you wish to configure with the resource. Once you have entered the string into this table, you will be able to create a new configuration module for the vehicle. This process is explained here.
Your configured vehicle requires a configuration module to function.
This table allows for the configuration of the inventory user interface colors and logo. To edit the themes, please utilize hex codes. Hex codes can be found here.
---@field nui tablecfg.nui = { communityLogo ='assets/logo.png', communityTheme = { ['background'] ='#1e1e2f', /* Background color */ ['accent'] ='#007b48', /* Accent color */ ['text_primary'] ='#ffffff', /* Primary text color */ ['accent_hover'] ='#007b48', /* Hover color for accents */ ['border'] ='#00699d' /* Neutral border for sections */ }}
This table facilitates the editing of the keybinds utilized by the resource. These keybinds are represented in string format and can be found in the following location: core > client > classes > keybinds.lua.
---@field keybinds table---@description: Allow for the customization of keybinds utilized by the resource.---@comment: core > client > classes > keybinds.luacfg.keybinds = {-- % Open Boot % -- ['open_boot'] ='G', ['close_boot'] ='G', ['pickup_object'] ='E',}
This table allows for the customization of both the language used by the resource and the associated strings. You can configure your preferred language within the fxmanifest.lua file.
---@field languages table---@description: Allow for different languages to be utalised for displayed text.cfg.languages = { ['en'] = { ['interactions'] = {-- % Hose Reel % -- use_hosebranch ='Take hose line', use_foambranch ='Take foam line', return_reel ='Return line',-- % Supply Line % -- connect_supply ='Take supply line', disconnect_supply ='Disconnect supply line', connect_to ='Connect to %s',-- % Relay Line % -- connect_relay ='Take relay line', disconnect_relay ='Disconnect relay line',-- % Pick Ups % -- pickup_hosebranch ='Pick up hose branch', pickup_foambranch ='Pick up foam branch',-- % Pump Panel % -- view_pump ='View pump panel', }, ['notifications'] = {-- % Titles % -- error ='Error!', success ='Success!',-- % Error Messages % -- already_has_hose ='User already possesses an active hose. Current hose ID: %s', no_hose_found ='No active hose found for user. Current hose ID: %s',-- % Success Messages % -- retrieved_branch ='Retrieved %s branch!', returned_branch ='Returned hose branch!', retrieved_supply ='Retrieved supply line!', connect_to_supply ='Connected to supply line!', disconnected_supply ='Disconnected supply line!', retrieved_relay ='Retrieved relay line!', connect_relay ='Connected relay line!', disconnected_relay ='Disconnected relay line!', cancelled_hose ='Hose length cancelled!', lack_permission ='You lack the permission for this action!' }, ['contexts'] = { cancel_hose ='Cancel hose', drop_hosebranch ='Drop hose', drop_lpp ='Drop LPP', } }}